You will be required to place all your projects into a class Dropbox for all class presentations before coming to class. This will save the class time by having everyone’s projects in 1 single location, instead of having each student load their presentations from individual drives.
Dropbox is really easy to use.
Please join the Shared Folder to allow our class to collaborate on a set of files. Once you join the shared folder, the folder appears inside your Dropbox, and syncs to your computers automatically. If you don’t have Dropbox installed, you can do so by following the link in the invitation. You should have already received 2 invitations: first invitation to install Dropbox to your computer, and second invitation to join the SVA_Spring 2016 shared Dropbox Folder. Both invitations will be sent on Tuesday, 02/23/2016 following our first class. Check your email and contact your instructor if you have not received the invitation.
Next, after receiving the invitations, follow these easy steps:
1. Download and install Dropbox to your computer (if you already have Dropbox installed on your computer, skip this step)
2 Get the link from your emailed invitation to join the shared folder, called “SVA Designer's Guide Spring 2016″
3. Join the shared folder, “SVA Designer's Guide Spring 2016″
4. Place your final presentation files(s) into "SVA Designer's Guide Spring 2016″ before coming to class on Tuesdays
5. Access your file from the Dropbox folder in the classroom for your presentation
You may bring a backup of your file on a thumbdrive just in case you have problems with your file in class.
Email your instructor if you have any problems using Dropbox.