Virtual reality is gaining so much momentum that it will soon become an avalanche of immersive experience. After Facebook’s $2 billion acquisition of Oculus, a leader in the VR hardware space, huge names like Google, Apple, and Sony have joined VR’s deluge, with their own sizable investments in proprietary VR technology and products.
TV, the Internet, and mobile have all radically changed how brands connect and engage with consumers. VR is the next major platform to shatter advertising norms, dramatically changing how brands and advertisers connect and empathize with consumers. Some consider VR to the be the “final frontier” of mediums because any subsequent medium can be invented within VR.
Companies such as Coca-Cola, HBO, and Nissan have ventured into the uncharted territory of virtual worlds with one-off experiences like Coke World Cup experience. While these individual experiences are novel and exciting, this type of advertising isn’t exactly scalable due to the amount of time and resources necessary to create it.