School of Visual Arts 
Instructor: Rachel Gogel — rgogel (at)

When banners and pop-ups were the web’s primary ad vehicle, developing Internet advertising was considerably simpler. In creating native ads for various platforms, designers are now tasked with building compelling experiences that transform advertising messages into content. Through lectures, studio work and mini assignments, students will get the chance to hear about conceptualizing design-first narratives and leveraging technology to create memorable interactions. Together, we will discover what it takes to encourage brands to be brave, innovative and smart when telling their stories. This course will allow designers to witness how “on brand but unbranded” designs come to life in this fast-paced industry.

Check this course blog regularly for all projects and announcements. Please feel free to add comments to the blog if you have a question or want to share a cool link or two. A working knowledge of the Adobe Creative Suite (mainly Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign) and some digital design background are required. UX skills are preferred, but not necessary.

Course Requirements

READING & WATCHING: There will be a series of online content you are required to review. The topics will be discussed in class.

COURSE PROJECTS: You will be required to place all your projects into a class Dropbox for all class presentations before coming to class. This will save the class time by having everyone’s projects in 1 single location. You may bring a backup of your file on a thumbdrive just in case you have problems with your file in class.

LIVE, LOVE AND BREATHE DIGITAL ADVERTISING! You are expected to fully immerse yourself in the beautiful digital world. Please send over 1-2 articles for the blog portion of this site per week so we can keep the content fresh.

Course Objectives

1. Understand the basic digital and native trends in the media industry
2. Identify the steps to launch a successful and strong "designstory"
3. Understand the development of mobile strategies and user experience
4. Appreciate the importance of connecting with the reader and best practices
5. Embrace the constantly evolving landscape
6. Develop presentation skills and critique

Course Policies

ATTENDANCE: If you miss more than 3 classes, it is unlikely you will receive a passing grade.
Please BE ON TIME. If you are late to class 3 times, this counts as 1 absence.
If you miss a project deadline, your final grade will be reduced.

Keep up with digital trends! Active participation in class is required.


GRADES: Methods of assessment will include projects, attendance and class participation. Projects will be graded on effectiveness of concept, skill of execution, deadline adherence, and presentation. Active participation in class is required.

You will receive one final grade at the end of the semester. Your final semester grade is made up of the following:

50% Projects
25% Blog Post Contributions
25% Participation and Attendance

To get an A in the course, you must (1) show excellent work exceeding all requirements and expectations each week, and (2) be active in all class discussions and critiques. Each project will be graded in the following 3 categories:
50% Product: Comprehension of problem, originality of solution, appropriateness of solution, visual invention, aesthetic, application of concept.
25% Process: Demonstrate process of idea development, concept development, quantity and quality of sketches. Take process photos of all sketches, refinements, notes, etc.
25% Craftsmanship: Presentation and pitch of the project, neatness, precision, appropriate materials. You are learning to be a professional, so craft is a large part of being professional.