
Android Makes Up Nearly 80% of Global Smartphone Shipments


There is no end in sight to the Android versus iPhone debate, but while we can all argue over the pros and cons of each, the numbers don't lie: Android is still the most popular operating system in the world.

According to data from market intelligence firm IDC, Android's dominance in the mobile market is still growing. In 2013, Android devices comprised 78.6% of global smartphone unit shipments — up from 69% in 2012. Compare that to iOS, which made up only 15.2% of smartphone shipments in 2013 (down from 18.7% in 2012).

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Powering ad campaigns across devices

The advertising industry has been closely watching the growth of mobile as a platform and eyeing innovations that will solidify its position as the ad delivery platform of choice.

People understand that mobile is the future of advertising, but few have found a way to make it work due to screen size limitations, low mobile CPMs and the lack of behavioral targeting capabilities on handheld devices.

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Mobile Advertising Budgets Up 142 Percent Over 2011: IAB Industry Survey

As mobile devices enable consumers to easily interact with brands, mobile advertising correspondingly attracts more budget and is expected to continue this upward trend.


Marketers at 300 U.S. companies increased their mobile advertising budgets by 142 percent from 2011 to2013, according to Marketers Perceptions of Mobile Advertising, produced by Ovum for Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB). Of the marketers surveyed this year, over one-third allocated more than $300,000 to mobile advertising, compared to merely seven percent in 2011. Among them, 16 percent spent more than $500,000 on mobile advertising, while the highest bracket in 2011 survey was "more than $300,000."   

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