It is quite an art to make a web site look good on your much smaller phone screen, but it is absolutely essential for any site or business. A website’s degree of responsiveness – in other words, ability to recognize their environment (such as tablet vs. phone) and adapt to the screen in which they are being viewed – can make or break a company.
Mobile apps that mirror in-store experience tighten brand identity
As the percentage of affluent shoppers purchasing on mobile devices continues to rise, the need for well-curated digital applications that mirror the in-store experience will increase.
Bringing the responsive and immersive nature of in-store customer service to apps will help brands foster loyalty across platforms. Education paired with aspects that recreate the service found in-store will engage consumers and likely create repeat users.
Allure Rolls Out Mobile-Optimized Site
Beauty magazine Allure is rolling out a mobile site today that lets users sift through its 5,000-plus reviews while on the go—and should prove especially useful for point of purchase decisions.
Parent Condé Nast announced last year that it planned to launch mobile-optimized websites for all of its brands by the end of 2013, and there was a clear case to be made for Allure. The brand said its mobile traffic grew more than 230 percent in the past year and that nearly 40 percent of's 2.3 average monthly uniques comes from mobile devices.