The Top Ten Emoji Campaigns of 2015

Emojis emerged as a campaign trend in 2014 and, while some argue the use of smiley faces and pizza slices to express complex ideas has already jumped the shark, it became a relevant part of the current marketing lexicon in 2015. Thus, the trend warrants an end-of-the-year list featuring some of the best known and most innovative approaches to emoji marketing.

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Durex Created a Racy Online Art Museum to Get the Chinese Talking About Sex

Concerned that not enough people in China feel comfortable discussing sexuality, condom brand Durex worked with social marketing agency S-Lab to create an online sex museumthat broaches the topic in the trippiest way possible. 

(Didn't Durex already make emoji to deal with this problem?)

The museum, accessible through a QR code, is a fully explorable virtual space where full-color artwork, provided by 12 artists solicited for the project, hangs on black-and-white walls. Clicking on individual pieces of art provides a closer look and info about them.

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Snickers Is Now Selling Absurd Hunger-Themed Products on eBay

Has hunger ever caused you to feel like a princess who's also a little spacey—aka, a "Sprincess"? You need an Astro Tiara ... or maybe just a Snickers Crisper. 

You can buy the former on eBay, anyway, along with several other ridiculous products that Snickers and BBDO have dreamed up for people suffering from the kind of linguistic-mashup hunger symptoms introduced in the Snickers Crisper campaign. 

This new "Hunger Innovations" campaign isn't limited to eBay, either. Snickers is also imitating your favorite home shopping channel with a faux infomercial, and taking advantage of autoplaying video in your Facebook news feed, to promote the conveniently bite-sized two-per-pack Crisper bars. 

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Chrome Music Lab

Music is for everyone. So this year for Music In Our Schools month, we wanted to make learning music a bit more accessible to everyone by using technology that’s open to everyone: the web. Chrome Music Lab is a collection of experiments that let anyone, at any age, explore how music works. They're collaborations between musicians and coders, all built with the freely available Web Audio API. These experiments are just a start. Check out each experiment to find open-source code you can use to build your own.

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