Amazon is a great place to shop. It is not a great place to browse. The downside of having an inventory that spans everything from spatulas to stuffed animals to micro SD cards is that it inevitably becomes a destination for buying those sorts of humdrum products, not a place you go to discover cool new ones.
Buried deep in its massive catalog, though, Amazon does indeed have all sorts of nice stuff. Canopy was built to help you find it.
Created by a group of former Google designers without any official affiliation to Amazon, Canopy is a curated storefront trading exclusively in beautiful products that happen to be sold on It’s the same type of fare you might expect to find on sites like Svpply or Uncrate: well-designed watches, bowls, knives, stools and blankets. But where those sorts of sites so often lead to 404 pages and out-of-stock listings, Canopy comes with a built-in guarantee: everything you see is available to buy with just a few clicks. Online shoppers with little self-control, beware.