Retailers have traditionally relied on print advertising campaigns or other media to promote products. Being divided in the past, print, media and in-store marketing efforts are merged today into the comprehensive consumer experience via augmented reality. Integration of augmented reality in marketing efforts aims to build consumer relationship, boost sales, and add value to the shopper experience. Retailers are getting the chance to attract their target audience by means multiple traditional and non-traditional interactions.
In-store Mobile Platform for Grocery Retailers
Catalina, best known for the technology that lets supermarkets print coupons related to a shopper’s purchases, is extending its loyalty expertise into the mobile realm.
How To Create The Best Retail Experience
At last month’s PSFK SEATTLE event, we invited some of the city’s innovative people to discuss their latest projects and reveal the inspiration that lead to their creation. One of those individuals was Dr. Nadia Shouraboura, a tech entrepreneur and the CEO of Hointer, a company that is reinventing the brick and mortar retail experience by combining innovative in-store mobile applications and POS technology with traditional shopping.