InAir Augmented Reality TV demo

This video shows how augmented reality is being put into play with InAir entertainment. The system does the background googling and investigating that the user would normally do on their phone. Instead, the options are automatically displayed as options on the screen. It's success would depend on in practice fluidity of the movement back and forth between content and supplemental information.

Mobile Activation Study (Jan-Dec 2013)

As in previous years, the study found continual and steady growth in the mobile activated space, but 2013 also saw an explosion in the range of technologies used to deliver activations. Compared to a total of 8,448 activations in 2012, 2013 saw 13,088 activated pages in the magazines surveyed. The top activated magazines included Marie Claire, Esquire, Redbook, Cooking Light and InStyle, showing the range of readership target demographics that are participating in mobile programs.

The primary activation type was Image Recognition (IR), followed by QR—taking second place for the first time in the history of the study, and watermarking in third. The most represented segments were Fashion & Style (3,893) and Lifestyle & Leisure (3,196) followed by Home & Gardening (855), Home & Cooking (816), Entertainment & TV (750), and Fashion & Beauty (704).

Some of the striking results include:

  • 246 % increase in magazine titles using mobile activated print by editorial teams
  • Number of mobile experiences has risen to 13,088 - a 54.9% growth over 2012
  • Image recognition and augmented reality were the dominant activation vehicle with 60% market share
  • Advertisers remain actively engaged with QR comprising 60% of all advertising activations

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10 Ways Augmented Reality Can Assist Retail

Retailers have traditionally relied on print advertising campaigns or other media to promote products. Being divided in the past, print, media and in-store marketing efforts are merged today into the comprehensive consumer experience via augmented reality. Integration of augmented reality in marketing efforts aims to build consumer relationship, boost sales, and add value to the shopper experience. Retailers are getting the chance to attract their target audience by means multiple traditional and non-traditional interactions.

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Deaf Magazine uses augmented reality to teach readers sign language

Deaf and severely hearing impaired people communicate in sign language. For most it is their first language and is considered by many as their native language. It is a(an independent) separate language and is very different to the spoken and written language. The DEAF MAGAZINE communicates in both of these languages. It is a lifestyle and society magazine about the culture of german sign language. Through the use of mixed media and augmented reality technology, it links the written language directly with the german sign language and makes it easier to his readers to affiliate information and allows to a better understanding of the written language. It also opens up even hearing readers, access to the german deaf culture. The DEAF MAGAZINE constitutes, articles about events and trends of the culture of german sign language, special personalities, news and opinions to the accessibility in Germany and trips to the deaf culture of other countries.

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Metaio & Audi AG Release Interactive Augmented Reality Manual for Audi A3

The user manual for the Audi A1 is fully digital with AR experiences - you can scan objects on the dashboard for more information. Audi is now using the digital manual for the A3 and likely other models to come.

The new app can recognize over 300 individual elements of the Audi A3 – from the insignia on the windshield wipers and entertainment system to actual engine components under the hood – in order to return relevant how-to information or even virtual overlays of maintenance instructions, animated in real-time and in 3-D.

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Augmented reality bridges written and sign language

The DEAF MAGAZINE communicates in both of these languages. It is a lifestyle and society magazine about the culture of german sign language. Through the use of mixed media and augmented reality technology, it links the written language directly with the german sign language and makes it easier to his readers to affiliate information and allows to a better understanding of the written language. It also opens up even hearing readers, access to the german deaf culture. Check out this video starting at 3:20.

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Blippar Drives Augmented Reality Campaigns, Amasses 3M Users

Augmented reality today consists mainly of superimposed images, but companies are already envisioning a world where AR technology is an extension of our daily activities. While all eyes are on Google Glass, Blippar, a 2-year-old company based in London, has quietly helped brands like Heinz, Budweiser and Cadbury launch AR-based campaigns and claims to have more than 3 million users.

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Print to Mobile Sees Emergence of Image Recognition and Augmented Reality in 2012

Nellymoser study reveals rapid adoption of image-based technology, representing 19% of all mobile activated print experiences.

Mobile activation in the Top 100 U.S. magazines has dramatically changed from 2011 to 2012. Several compelling patterns have emerged, notably the increasing popularity of issue-wide mobile programs and magazine branded scanning apps, particularly those leveraging augmented reality, image recognition, and invisible watermarking technology. Over the last two years that Nellymoser has tracked the use of print to digital content in magazines, there has been overwhelming growth in mobile activations used in both editorial and advertising content.

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