
Phonebloks – A Phone That You Piece Together Like Lego

Phonebloks is a concept for a phone that works on a modular system, allowing you to customize the features of your phone by simply removing and adding parts when you feel appropriate. Thus enabling you to prioritize certain elements over others; camera, processor, battery etc. It also provides you with the ability to upgrade/update these parts when you want or when they are available. A fresh and innovative idea from Dave Hakkens.

It deals head on with the problem we have with electronic waste (there is a lot of it!). When our phones and our other electronic devices break, usually for one individual reason (screen breaks, too slow etc), we throw out the whole device; working parts and all. The Phonebloks concept will reduce the wastage simply because you can replace that individual part. Quickly and easily. Check out the videos at the bottom of this article.

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Google sells Motorola to Lenovo for $2.91 billion

Google is selling Motorola Mobility to Lenovo, giving the Chinese smartphone manufacturer a major presence in the US market. Lenovo will buy Motorola for $2.91 billion in a mixture of cash and stock. Google will retain ownership of the vast majority of Motorola's patents, while 2,000 patents and a license on the remaining patents will go to Lenovo. At the deal's closing, Lenovo will pay Google $660 million in cash and $750 million in stock, while the remaining $1.5 billion will be paid out over three years.

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Google uses NFC and QR codes to offer entertainment downloads at airports

Domestic passengers flying from Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane airports can now download movies, music, apps and books direct to their Android device using Near Field Communication (NFC) and Quick Response (QR) technologies.

Google has integrated the technology into 39 digital advertising screens at the three airports. Passengers simply have to tap their NFC device against the screen or scan the QR code to connect to the Google Play Store. They can then control the digital billboard using their device and download content using the airport’s free Wi-Fi.

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