The tablet market is still growing. Q3 2013 saw 47.6 million units ship worldwide, up from 34.8 million the same quarter last year. Apple’s iPad once again took first place, although it dropped to 29.6 percent market share, while Samsung grew its share to 20.4 percent to keep second place. The other three players in the top five also all grew: Asus kept its third place position by grabbing 7.4 percent, Lenovo jumped to 4.8 percent to take fourth, and Acer took fifth with 2.5 percent. Amazon notably fell out of the list.
Top 10 luxury brand digital campaigns of Q3
Luxury marketers used digital tactics to foster intimate connections with consumers during the third quarter of 2013.
Digital enabled marketers to engage with target consumers on a personal level through microsites, branded hashtags and digital touch points. These experiential and educational tactics integrated consumers into what felt like the brand’s inner circle, which ultimately drove brand loyalty.
Q3 magazine ad revenues up 4% to nearly $4.8B
American consumer magazines are showing some signs of life.
Despite a decline in ad pages sold, U.S. magazines' print ad revenues rose 4% during the third quarter to $4.75 billion as rebounding readership allowed publishers to charge more, according to new data from Publishers Information Bureau, a unit of MPA -- The Association of Magazine Media.