Creating a SuperpowAR: Blippar and Layar join forces

You’ve probably heard our exciting news, but let’s explore what it means for us all…
Blippar’s acquisition of Layar - and the resulting creation of the world’s largest augmented reality consumer reach - has taken place. It’s a milestone event and we are now excited to begin work with our exceptional peers in Holland, pooling technical and consumer expertise to accelerate growth within this ecosystem.
The deal has huge potential for both businesses, all our partners and, indeed, the whole AR industry. It gives our clients access to unparalleled thought leadership, plus all data and best practice guidelines accumulated by both companies.
Blippar and Layar have always bucked the AR business model trend for white-label app-creation, instead promoting the download of one solo app through which multiple content owners access a burgeoning single audience - and offer one strong, consistent consumer message.
The creation of our new superpowAR will serve only to make this message even stronger.

During this transition period business will continue as usual; nothing will change without notice. The two apps will co-exist; products and services remain as they are, current agreements remain valid. We will keep you updated and be transparent regarding all changes and their implications.
Together, Blippar and Layar are the undisputed world leader of augmented reality and visual browsing. We look forward to building on the huge global potential of this mass consumer behaviour for our clients’ benefit.

WTF is cross-device tracking?

As Stephanie Bauer Marshall, marketing director at Verizon, succinctly put it during the “mobile first” M1 Summit on Tuesday, the mobile ad ecosystem is in “chaos.” Cross-device tracking — also known as cross-device targeting — aims to make sense of that chaos for brands, publishers and platforms. Here, we try to make sense of cross-device tracking.

What is cross-device tracking?
Cross-device tracking describes the myriad ways platforms, publishers and ad tech companies try to identify Internet users across smartphones, tablets and desktop computers. The goal of cross-device tracking is to be able to know that the person using smartphone X is the same person who uses tablet Y and laptop Z, and then allow brands to retarget that person accordingly.


Why You Don't Need To Sleep With Your Smartphone To Get Ahead

Do you sleep with your smartphone under your pillow, or beside your bed?

In our noisy world, many of us find it difficult to switch off, frantically checking messages late into the night.

Despite the fact we’re often doing this because we think it will help us stay ahead at work, the consequences can severely damage our productivity, our work, and our health.


In an increasingly digital publishing industry, alums innovate and compete

Drama can be made out of a desk job.

Lindsey Palmer, a 2005 College graduate, is preparing for the publication of her novel “Pretty in Ink,” which is based on her seven years in the publication industry following her graduation from Penn.

“There’s an interesting story to be told about this world that’s struggling — magazines have already taken a hit with all this competition with blogs and websites,” Palmer said.

“It’s work that’s sort of fun and glamorous,” she added.